
“There is a reason behind everything and everything has truly fallen into place for us. When we had our meeting mix-up in your office instead of its scheduled location at [the school], I didn’t understand until now how things that we think are accidents are truly the universe just making adjustments or rather a detour on our path. The intimacy your office provided that day allowed me to let my guard down and say things out loud that I hadn’t spoken about outside of a whisper in the comfort of my home. It was amazing that the two other ladies present were experiencing the same issues I was experiencing- the three of us all at the same time. It was scary opening up, but it was like a weight lifted. You were warm, assuring, and I found comfort in your approach. At that moment I began to trust you.”

“The independent school application and admissions process can be intimidating and grueling. Throughout the process MEC Group always responded quickly and honestly to my questions and concerns. Also, MEC Group provided follow-up after the process was successfully completed to ensure a successful transition to our new school – thank you MEC Group.”

“MEC Group – I really can’t thank you enough, because my child is now loving every day at school. He is adjusting very well to his new school and looking forward to the new challenges. He was a little stressed at first, but he said now he knows what the teachers expect and is excited about rising to his teacher’s expectations. He realizes how beneficial this experience will be when the time comes for him to go to college.”

“You all offered services that were realistic and unbiased. You did not try to sell my family on the independent (private) school experience; but based on your experiences, you provided invaluable and objective insight on private and public schools that were the best matches for my child and his personal learning style.”

“MEC Group, your insight on both independent and public school environments was very helpful, especially since I was very apprehensive about private schools. Being a big proponent and believer in public school education, your assistance was invaluable in helping me to evaluate the many options available and make the best choice for my child.”

“I wanted to let you know that my son continues to excel at his new school. He is now a fifth-grader and has all A’s in his academic subjects, has been referred to enrichment classes for additional challenging material, and is now being recommended for the Johns Hopkins Program for Talented Youth. He really enjoys being down in the country on the 153-acre campus and his success shows that it is a ‘good fit.’ I just like to send you reminders from time-to-time that your work has a real impact. If you ever encounter a family who needs a reminder that it will be okay, you can cite us as an example and also have them contact me.”